Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What is the Weather Like During the Month of June in Hampton Roads?

June begins the three month period known as “Meteorological Summer” which ends on August 31st. Since the summer solstice occurs in June, the sun is obviously at its strongest point of the year. This combined with the length of daylight can make for some very warm days. June 1st also marks the beginning of hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin. Heat, high humidity levels, and thunderstorms become common in June but every so often we get a break for a few days. Cold fronts sometimes get hung up across the region or just south of here. The reason is that the Bermuda High is normally very strong during June which basically blocks the approach of these cooler and drier air masses. Upper-level winds play a role in the stalling frontal systems. But, as I said earlier, every so often we do get relief from the heat and humidity when these air masses make it down into our part of the world. Although June is the first month of hurricane season, tropical cyclones are quite rare during this month. However, on very rare occasions, a tropical cyclone (or its remnants) does affect Hampton Roads. The normal position of the jet stream is now well to the north so low pressure systems usually pass well to the north. Every so often the jet stream does take an unusual dip down into our region bringing with it some storminess. Overall, June is a great time of year to plan your summer vacation here in Hampton Roads.

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